Exhibition-Elementals-Tom-Smith In HCM

Exhibition-Elementals-Tom-Smith In HCM‘Elementals’ has been chosen as a loosely based working title that encompasses the overall tone for these four sets of work, two of which were sold when the work was first shown in London several years ago.
‘Elemental’ is a term which can reference the fundamental building blocks of nature but which can also indicate forces which the ancients deemed, superior hidden entities. In the words of the alchemist Paracelsus – “creatures that are outside the cognizance of the light of nature”.
Common threads for the work can be found in Animistic Symbolism and European Folklore, hence the relationship to the set of paintings titled ‘Faerie’.
This work stemmed from an interest in 19th century visionaries such as Blake, Lear, and Palmer, men who in their time were regarded as eccentric or even insane. This continued with the fairy paintings of Richard Dadd, who spent most of his live in Bedlam asylum.
An additional influence was the writings of the early 20th century thinker, Walter Benjamin (‘Arcades Project’, ‘Philosophy, Aesthetics, History,’ and ‘One Way Street and Other Writings’).
About the artist
Tom Smith studied at Shelley Park Art College and at The Arts Institute at Bournemouth in Dorset, England.
Having graduated in 2004, he became a founding member of the artist’s collective The Artworks in Poole Dorset. He has since then exhibited work in various galleries in the U.K. He has also made performance pieces and created installation works in the unlikely settings of: a garage, several pubs and a derelict house.
DeciBel Lounge
79/2/5 Phan Ke Binh, D1, HCMC
Source: Hanoigrapevine